A Dog at Rizal’s Execution

A Dog at Rizal's Execution

Isang askal (asong kalye) sa eksena ng execution ni Rizal.

Alam nyo bang may askal (asong kalye) na umeksena sa execution ni Rizal?

Dog Statue

Ang aso, immortalized bilang estatwa sa Rizal Park. Ang asong ito ay naisama rin sa isang eksena sa isang pelikula patungkol sa buhay ni Rizal.

When Jose Rizal was executed at Bagumbayan, a small stray dog suddenly appeared and circled the hero’s fallen body.  It was alleged that some Spanish spectators took it as a bad omen of coming misfortune for Spanish rule in the Philippines.

About RaDon

Sinner saved by grace... armchair apologist... rogue consultant... cyber Samurai... Jedi Master View all posts by RaDon

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